
Showing posts from October, 2017

Creating A Sortable Key Using ROW_NUMBER

I recently had a case where I wanted to get a regular academic term n terms from a given date.  For example if I was in the Fall Term of 2018, I wanted to be able to get the term 2 terms before which would be Spring 2018. The problem is we use term codes, which have changed formatting over the years, and we also have partial terms which I didn't want to consider.  The data ends up looking something like this: TermSK TermCode 1 201780 6 201810 17 201850     SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(order by term_code desc) Row_Num, Term_Code     FROM dimTerm     WHERE Term_Type =  'Regular' Row_Num TermCode 3 201780 2 201810 1 201850 The results made it really easy to grab any term preceding by simply subtracting the desired previous terms from the generated Row_Num.