
Showing posts from February, 2018


STRING_AGG is a function released in SQL Server 2017.   The Oracle equivalent LIST_AGG has been available since 11gR2.  In the meantime, SQL Server users have resorted to black magic in order to get string values from separate rows. STRING_AGG is very welcome but there are some gotchas to be aware of.  Below is a simple example that works just like you think it would. SELECT STRING_AGG(FIrst_Name, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY First_Name) LIST FROM             (SELECT DISTINCT   First_name FROM [dbo].[Employee]     WHERE First_Name like 'A%' OR First_Name like 'B%') A ORDER BY LIST; You can run the query on any database you have string values and you will get something like this: A David, Aaren, Aaron, Abdul, Bob, Brian... If you want to split by the first letter of the name, do not make the mistake of using an over clause.  You will get an error stating STRING_AGG is not a window function....